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We are pleased to announce our next webinar: 'When Wildfires Strike...Homeopathy to the Rescue', with Nicole Duelli.

Homeopathic medicines can make a
difference during disasters like
wildfires in managing both the
physical and emotional trauma.

Learn about remedies you can use
at home for smoke inhalation as well
as the mental and emotional tolls of
fear, shock, exhaustion and grief
when dealing with any disaster.
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Piping Hot Truth Biscuits by Dr Toby Rogers Bactrim is the story they don’t want you to know
During the AIDS crisis, Tony Fauci blocked access to the antibiotic Bactrim to create the market for AZT. 30,534 gay men then died from a treatable form of pneumonia. Hundreds of thousands more died from the toxic and useless AZT.
In March 2021, an anonymous doctor on Twitter alluded to this fact and was suspended. In solidarity, I retweeted her post (below) — and received a lifetime ban from the site.
It’s interesting that this particular tweet is what triggered a lifetime ban rather than my thousands of tweets about vaccines. The Democratic Party faces an enormous dilemma. Dems have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections. And that’s in part because the Pharma Hospital Industrial Complex is solidly behind them. At the same time, this system is absolutely wiping out the Democratic base. The 1986 Act and the Vaccines for Children Program (that inflicts low-cost/low-quality vaccines on poor children) has caused the autism rate to skyrocket in poor communities. In the 1980s and 1990s, Tony Fauci killed hundreds of thousands of gay men. The Covid response is a repeat of Fauci’s AIDS playbook. If the Democratic base ever realizes what Democratic donors and the public health establishment are doing to them, the Party is over. So my simple retweet, that started to connect some of those dots, was likely seen as a threat to the regime.
In the fall of 2022, Elon Musk bought Twitter. In 2023, my account was restored. Last week I reached 65,000 followers (twice as many as I had before the ban). I now generate 3 to 5 million impressions per month on that platform — even with lingering “freedom of speech not reach” shadow banning still going on. Lots of people urged me to pull my punches in 2021 in order to avoid getting banned. But by keeping it real I was able to discover some valuable information about what the censors were looking for and what the Biden administration fears.

Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux said that the Trudeau government has put a gag on him in regards to discussing what the long term economic impacts of the carbon tax are going to be.

While testifying before the House of Commons finance committee last week, Giroux said that the federal government has prevented him from sharing its economic analysis of the effects.
Nearly 20 years ago, a herd of New Zealand farmers put the pedal to the metal and drove their tractors and trucks straight to Parliament. Their mission? To protest the infamous "fart tax" on livestock methane emissions.

Fast forward to today, and we’ve moved from fart taxes to "climate vaccines" for animals because clearly when it comes to saving the planet, nothing says “innovative solution” like giving cows a shot to prevent them from passing gas.
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Piping Hot Truth Biscuits, by Dr Toby Rogers By analogy
Imagine it’s the eve of D-Day in World War II.
The Allied troops urgently need 2 million doses of antibiotics for the wounds they will soon endure.
But Tony Fauci is in charge of the war effort. He decides that Billy Bob’s Patented Snake Oil is more profitable for his friends. So he blocks access to antibiotics and sends Billy Bob’s Patented Snake Oil to the front instead.
The D-Day invasion is a success but the Allied troops soon succumb in large numbers to their injuries. The Nazis win the war. Tony Fauci is rewarded with a job as head of Volk Health in the Pan German Reich.
That’s basically what happened with AIDS (when Fauci blocked access to Bactrim to create the market for AZT) and what happened with Covid (when Fauci blocked access to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to create the market for Paxlovid, Remdesivir, and Covid vaccines).
It is absolutely shameful that this man is not already in jail. In an earlier era they would have called Fauci’s actions treason and prosecuted him accordingly
This book was published in 2014
2024/06/14 23:37:38
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